Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Harmonic Balance algorithm.

The Harmonic Balance algorithm is now an established technique for CAD programs of various types, specially for RF/MMIC and analog. We felt we needed to understand the algorithm. This would allow us to be better at using it in simulations and more importantly be able to say if we wanted to purchase it in a CAD tool we wanted or not.

The implementation of these algorithms in the circuit simulator are fairly involved. However, luckily, compared to a couple of decades ago we as circuit designers do not really need to know its intricacies. What we want to know is at a higher level of abstraction. The expectation is that, if we do this we can do better at simulation and know when to use it effectively and when to not use it!

As a result of discussions internal to our design and CAD group a better understanding was gained and we decided to write a brief paper on it. This paper is now available on our website at Interested readers may follow the links>engineering pages>engineer's corner and read the paper if they wish.


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  2. I agree with you that the harmonic balancer algorithm is one of the techniques for CAD programs. Thanks for this post!
