Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The quarter wave matching transformer

In many high frequency applications matching a transmission line of known impedance to a known resistive load is an operation that is done over and over again. A simple way to do this is to use a quarter wave transformer. This concept is explained more fully in a paper released by Signal Processing Group Inc. recently. Interested readers may access this at the "engineer's corner" in the SPG website located at

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Series to parallel conversion of LCR circuits

In a number of applications, specially in impedance matching LCR circuits may undergo series and parallel conversions. These conversions leave the performance of the circuit unchanged. They simply change the configurations to provide for a more appropriate architecture for the operation ( whatever that may be). A simple paper released by Signal Processing Group Inc. describes a method to do this. Interested parties may go to the website at and access the paper from the "Engineer's Corner".